TheBrandHouse donates Rs 2.3 million to eleven NGOs
CSR 2017 | TheBrandHouse supports 11 NGOs
CSR 2017 | TheBrandHouse supports 11 NGOs
In the last two years, digital literacy has been a focus of TheBrandHouse’s CSR program. The company believes that digital skills are essential for integration into the world of tomorrow. This year TheBrandHouse has chosen to expand its support to other projects that focus for the most part on the well-being of vulnerable children. Clovis Wong, CEO of TheBrandHouse, awarded 11 NGOs working in the education, health, sport and environmental fields. A total amount of Rs 2.3 million was donated during a ceremony on Monday, October 23, at the head office at Riche-Terre.
"Our CSR policy remains marked by Digital Empowerment. But these 11 projects meet basic needs and have deeply touched us. We are proud to be associated with them and we are full of admiration for the perseverance and effort of the NGOs to provide better life to vulnerable children," Clovis Wong, CEO, TheBrandHouse.
"It is the quality of these various projects, the dedication of the people who carry them and the credibility of the associations that have pushed us to support these 11 NGOs. We are eager to follow them and help them on an ongoing basis" Daniella Donat, Head of Human Resources.